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제목 KNA News - January, 2016 (1)
작성자 Master 작성일 2016-02-28


[HRD] Korean Student Internship at ENEC (2016)


After winning the UAE BNPP project, the necessity of man power exchange opportunities between Korea and UAE has risen such as joint education program, internship between young pioneers of both countries. In this regard, during the Korean president’s state visit to UAE in 2014, the MOU for Korea-UAE Internship program was signed and the young manpower exchange program, which dispatches the university students of each country to the opposite country’s NPP site, is in operation.   

In the first internship program last year, 30 university students of Korea successfully finished 8 weeks program and returned. The second Internship program this year also provided a good opportunity to have hands-on experience in nuclear industry by working at the construction site of the Barakah nuclear power plant, which is the Korea’s first overseas nuclear power plant project, with systematic training through the ENEC’s mentoring program. 

This year, 27 nuclear engineering undergraduates from 10 universities in Korea were dispatched to ENEC Head Quarter and Barakah site for 7 weeks. They participated in the internship program and experienced firsthand work such as nuclear HSE, NPP project management, quality control, civil engineering, construction, machine, electricity, and various processes by sectors, etc.

On the other hand, the undergraduates majoring in nuclear engineering or related majors in universities in UAE will be dispatched to NPP sites in Korea and nuclear related organizations such as KEPCO, KHNP, KEPCO International Graduates School(KINGS) and etc. They will also have on the job training and learn Korean Nuclear power industry.

These young energy pioneers will gain hand-on experience in the nuclear power industry and they are expected to become the foundation for the success of nuclear power project of Korea and UAE in the future.  

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이투데이 소형모듈원전산업 세미나 행사

      *행사안내/참가신청: https://company.etoday.co.kr/business/view/2887


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